Documents [ Court decisions, human rights reports, etc.. ]

Author Federal Court of Canada Report broken download
Justice Noël's decision re loosening of Harkat's bail restrictions (May 2007)
Description Date: 20070504, Docket: DES-4-02
Ottawa, Ontario, May 4, 2007
ORDER: UPON APPLICATION of Mohamed Harkat that the Court’s Order of May 23, 2006 (the “May 2006 Order”), as varied by the Court’s Order of September 19, 2006 (the “September 2006 Order”), be varied;

AND UPON hearing the evidence and the submissions of counsel on February 28 and March 1, 2007;

AND UPON reading the written submissions of counsel;

AND UPON being advised that the parties, through their counsel, consent to part of the relief requested;

AND UPON having issued Reasons for Order relating to the request to vary the conditions of release and having asked counsel to prepare a draft order in line with the said Reasons;

AND UPON having reviewed the suggested draft order and the recent representations made by letter;

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Date May 08, 2007
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