Endorsement from NDP's Rick Prashaw
Source: from an email correspondence with Sophie Harkat
Hi Sophie:
I really regret having a conflict on June 17 for your Justice for Mohamet Harkat initiative. This interests me and I hope to liaise with you after the election. I am a passionate human rights advocate working as executive director for The Church Council on Justice and Corrections. We have studied the post 9-11 scapegoating and demonizing of certain cultures and minorities. In the balance between the state security and individual rights, we need not only due process and the protection of individual rights but to ensure that as a country we know as much when to stand up to America as to stand with them. I welcome any of your material on security certificates. Anyone in the country needs to have full protection of the law and the presumption of innocence over guilt.
Rick Prashaw
NDP Candidate
Carleton-Lanark Riding
(613) 836-5482